Ask a Trauma Therapist: Do I need therapy for this in Atlanta?

You’ve started feeling differently lately but you are not sure why or if you should reach out to a therapist. After all, doesn't everyone go through challenges? This isn’t a new problem, so why do you seem to be struggling more now than previously? There are certainly people with bigger problems than this, so how would you know when you need help? 

An expert trauma therapist responds: Yes, Challenges are normal, but do I need therapy?

It's normal to go through challenges and experience ups and downs in life. If challenges are normal, how do you know when a difficulty is normal or when you need to seek out the help of a therapist? But if everyday stresses from relationships, work or school leaves you feeling overwhelmed, distressed, anxious, burnt out, depressed, or stuck, it might be time to reach out to a professional who can help you.

Therapy can help everyone!

Therapy is not just for those with a mental health diagnosis. Therapy can help lower stress levels, increase your self-awareness, help you sleep better, improve relationships, and experience more happiness and productivity. Everyone can benefit from therapy. 

Reaching out to a therapist can be especially helpful when your normal coping skills are not working to help you feel better. Emotional challenges that arise that are affecting your everyday life and functioning are also reasons to reach out for therapy. Therapy can help you learn why you are feeling this way and how to cope. 

Possible signs you need to reach out to a therapist  

  • Feeling overwhelmed, guilty, fearful, or sad

  • Isolating yourself or feeling lonely 

  • Life feels chaotic

  • Feeling worried, frustrated, or snappy

  • Feeling worthless or not good enough

  • Waking up with a sense of dread

  • Feeling tired all the time

  • Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed

  • Feeling helpless or hopeless

I hope this has been helpful in determining whether it’s time for you to reach out to a therapist. If you are still struggling to determine if therapy would help then reach out. I would be happy to hear about what is happening and share with you how I can help. You can request a free 15-minute phone consultation by calling (678) 744-5369 or by clicking here. I specialize in helping trauma survivors feel calm, overwhelmed, and depressed women to calm the chaos, anxious people feel safe and worry less, toxic relationship survivors feel more confident, and parents raising a traumatized child feel less traumatized themselves. 


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