Trauma Therapy in Atlanta, GA For Caregivers of children with Reactive Attachment Disorder
Trauma Therapy For Caregivers of children with Reactive Attachment Disorder in Atlanta, GA
It started out as a dream you wanted to give hope, happiness, and a HOME to a child who needed one. You muddied through the adoption process full of paperwork, social workers, travel, and worry and now this child is yours. You thought you would feel relieved, but something is not right about your child’s behavior. No one else sees the rages and tantrums and no one believes you when you tell them about your child’s behavior. You are invalidated by friends, family, and even professionals you take your child looking for help and now you’re starting to doubt yourself.
You start reading in a desperate attempt to understand what’s wrong. And then you find it. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). All of the symptoms and behaviors are there. Why did no one tell you about this? Surely someone noticed these behaviors before now, but all anyone else sees is how charming your child is. Your child has mastered the art of lies, manipulation, and stealing. It didn’t take long before you were the one being blamed by EVERYONE! No one else sees the same child you get when your child is with you. Not even the therapist who is supposed to be helping your child heal from the early trauma. No one else gets the same mean, cruel, vindictive, and maybe even violent child, that you get behind closed doors. How much longer can you take your child’s constant anger?
Who’s helping you with your anxiety, your depression, and your trauma as you attempt to help your child with theirs?
Isolation, loneliness, and trauma are not what you expected to become your constant companions when you decided to take on raising a traumatized child. You are painfully exhausted every day from dealing with ALL the behaviors ALL the time. All of your time and energy is spent trying to find help for your child and ultimately save your family. But nothing works and nothing helps.
By now anguish, heartbreak, hopelessness, and brokenness have moved in and made themselves at home inside you. Who’s the one trying to help YOU with the anxiety and trauma YOU now wrestle with, the nightmares that won’t end, and the lies you were told by the system that failed you, your child, and your family?
Hi! I’m Kristy trauma therapist in Atlanta and I can help!
After spending nearly 12 years raising a child with early developmental trauma and diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), I discovered how little help there was for managing the anxiety of raising a traumatized child and healing the trauma once the child is out of the home. I am here to help YOU! All the time you spent giving and sacrificing yourself to help your child, but who was helping you? All of it has led you to this place of feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and lonely in your parenting journey. Now it is time to take care of you! My clients find a compassionate listener that helps decrease and relieve the isolation, hopelessness, and disparity of what they went through. My knowledge and training in gentler forms of trauma treatment help decrease shame and self-blame to calm anxiety.
Start feeling better today with trauma therapy in Atlanta, GA!
Click the button below or call me at 678-744-5369 to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for therapy in Atlanta.