The Top 5 Truths About Trauma Therapy in Atlanta, Georgia

You’re looking for a trauma therapist, but the list of trauma therapists in Atlanta, Georgia is long. You aren’t sure what to expect as you start searching. You find yourself wondering if you can really overcome what happened or if you are just stuck with the effects of it. Here are 5 truths to keep in mind as you get started on your journey:

Trauma Therapy Truth #1: You can learn to have a life that is not controlled by your trauma

Imagine for a moment you break your leg. Although a broken leg will never look the same as it did before it was broken, it can heal. The person might walk with a slight limp or never notice any leftover effects from breaking it, but the break doesn’t rule their life anymore. Trauma changes us too and you might feel weak and broken now, but you can get to a place where it does not run your life.

Trauma Therapy Truth #2: It’s normal to feel worse before feeling better.

Let’s revisit the analogy of breaking your leg. If you don’t get it set before it starts to heal, then your leg will have to be rebroken so that it can be set to heal properly. Trauma therapy is the same way. When it is not addressed, or you have years of trauma, there is a time period when you could feel worse than you did before starting therapy. The purpose of the early pain is to give you a corrective experience that heals the trauma.

Trauma Therapy Truth #3: Secrecy intensifies the negative effects of trauma associated with abuse.

For those who have endured the trauma of abuse, there is often shame associated with what happened. Abuse happens in secret and the survivor is sometimes coerced into keeping it a secret by the perpetrator. The longer the secret has been kept, the more intense the shame around it has become.

Trauma therapy truth #4: Time will not heal your trauma

No matter the amount of time that has passed since your trauma, it will not go away on its own. It will continue to show up from time to time at inconvenient times in your life until you address it.

Trauma Therapy Truth #5: Avoiding your trauma will not make it go away.

Although using distraction can be a helpful tool in learning to cope with the distress of the aftermath of trauma, it will not make it go away. Trauma repeatedly shows up in the life of the survivor until something is done to resolve its negative effects.

If you are ready to start trauma therapy in Atlanta, or if you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (678) 744-5369 or click here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. If you are looking for trauma therapy, you can read more about how I can help here. I also specialize in depression, anxiety, and attachment as a therapist in Atlanta.


Questions to Ask a Prospective Trauma Therapist in Atlanta, Georgia


Questions to ask a counselor, psychologist, therapist in Atlanta